Welcome! Parents know that their students are learning when they see them read - fiction and nonfiction - and can complete writing assignments, from the text or from the teacher, with confidence and skill.
Teachers know that students are learning when they ask and answer questions, participate in discussions, and can apply what they have learned.
Students know that they have learned, not by the grades they receive, but by the feelings of success they have as they share what they have learned.
Step Up to Writing strategies and tools make all this possible.
For over twenty years, K-12 teachers have used the Step Up to Writing approach to help students master important academic literacy skills. This new website provides information and tools for anyone who wants to learn or learn more about Step Up.
Spotlight on...
Duval County, Florida Elementary Schools See Turnaround in Just One Year with Step Up

Academic Literacy Skills for STEM Students
Science, technology, engineering, and math students must be proficient writers. They will want to share results, insights, directions, warning, descriptions, and more. The practical, logical aspects of the Step Up to Writing strategies appeal to STEM students and their teachers. The strategies included in Step Up to Writing in Math are a perfect fit for any STEM class.
Academic Literacy Skills for STEM Students
Science, technology, engineering, and math students must be proficient writers. They will want to share results, insights, directions, warning, descriptions, and more. The practical, logical aspects of the Step Up to Writing strategies appeal to STEM students and their teachers. The strategies included in Step Up to Writing in Math are a perfect fit for any STEM class.
Common Core Calls for More Reading and Improved Reading Comprehension
Take one glance at the Common Core State Standards and you will get the idea -- students need to read more and write about what they read. With skills like note taking, summarizing, and questioning,, all students can master the standards. The standards are clear. Learn to write sentences, paragraphs, essays, and more -- then use those skills to write about what you have read.
Step Up to Writing makes mastering these and other academic literacy skills possible.
Step Up to Writing Supports STEAM
The Arts, STEAM, provide opportunities everyday for students to apply STEM concepts and skills. Those who teach the arts: music, art, theater, cooking, industrial arts, and more will find Step Up to Writing easy to teach and add to their lessons.
Like STEM students, those involved in the arts need strong literacy skills.