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Step Up to Writing products and materials help teachers and students learn, review, practice, apply, and master strategies for essential academic literacy skills. The research-based, multisensory strategies and activities are the core of the Step Up program and teach students to become independent learners across content areas.

Below are the key products found in the Step Up to Writing program, along with a brief description. To purchase Step Up products, please visit the publisher's program website at

Step Up to Writing Classroom Set

Price: $340.95

(Check the Publisher's website for the current prices)

Classroom sets provide all the teacher and student materials needed to introduce, practice, and review strategies. Each set includes a Teacher's Manual, Tools binder (reproducible masters), 30 Handy Pages (student books),15 Posters for instruction, and CD-ROMs (customizable Tools and Bonus materials/Prompts for writing in a variety of forms and genres).

They include all that a teacher needs to feel confident about introducing the strategies to students. The materials in the set make it easy and practical to create lessons, individually or as a team. The Handy Pages alone provide the visual support that students like and that make the teachers' lesson more effective.

In classrooms where teachers regularly use Handy Pages and rely on Posters for instruction, students see the strategies as important and remember to apply them throughout all subject areas. The Handy Pages and Posters remind everyone of a school-wide committment to a Common Language and, more importantly, a set of High Standards.

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Teacher's Guide

Price: $125.95

(Check the Publisher's website for the current prices)

From preparing to teach your students to assessing and evaluating their learning, the Teacher's Guide provides step-by-step instruction, strategies, and activities to improve students' reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.

The detailed, step-by-step instructions in the Teacher's Guide enable teachers to effectively scaffold their instruction of key literacy concepts and students' individual practice. By creating three levels of Teacher's Guides, with similar topics and strategies, Step Up encourages a common language and approach to overall K-12 literacy development across content areas.

Each level of the Teacher's Guide includes: teaching objectives, an overview of key strategies, prerequisites to teaching a particular strategy or skill, detailed teacher instructions, and practical examples to model during guided lessons.

The Teacher's Guide also includes direct reference to the Tools, Handy Pages, and Posters that will aid and reinforce a teacher's instruction. All of the strategies, activities, and accompanying materials referenced in the Teacher's Guide are adaptable to individual teacher, school, and district goals and objectives.

NOTE: It is highly recommended that you purchase both the Teacher's Guide and the Tools at the same time as they are meant to be used simultaneously to teach students the key Step Up strategies and methods.

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Tools Binder

Price: $62.95

(Check the Publisher's website for current prices)

A Tools binder contains all reproducible overhead masters for activities and instructions included in the Teacher's Guide. Teachers use Tools for initial instruction, review, practice, and assessment. Bonus Tools that are described in the Teacher's Guide are available only on the 2-disk CD.

NOTE: It is necessary that you purchase the Teacher's Guide, the Tools Binder, and the CD with Tools/Bonus Tools at the same time as they are meant to be used simultaneously to teach students the key Step Up strategies and methods.

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CDs: Tools, Bonus Tools, and Prompts

Price: $96.95

(Check the Publisher's website for current prices)

The two CDs include all of the Tools discussed in the Teacher's Guide as well as Bonus Tools and materials, and. example writing prompts for innovative writing assignments. Many Tools are customizable.

The CDs include an expandable menu with an overview of each of the 10 sections and individual strategies of Step Up to Writing. Many of the Tools included on the CDs are customizable to help educators meet specific teaching goals and objectives as well as to adapt materials across content areas and with specific populations of students (e.g. English Language Learners, Gifted & Talented, etc.).

Bonus Tools are exactly like regular Tools except they are only available on the CDs. They contain additional templates, instructional materials, examples, and activities to extend students' learning and provide alternate methods for teaching.

The various Writing Prompts included with the CDs cover a wide range of specific writing assignments, forms, and genres. This enables educators to quickly adapt writing assignments to fit with existing lesson and unit plans.

The CDs run on both Windows and Macintosh operating systems; Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0.5 or higher is required to view and customize PDF files.

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Handy Pages

Price: $35.95

(Check the Publisher's website for current prices)

These student booklets are filled with examples and activities to support students' understanding and practice of Step Up strategies and concepts.

Everyone needs a friendly reminder once in awhile, and Handy Pages, the 24-page colorful booklet for students, is a student-friendly resource and reminder of major Step Up to Writing topics, strategies, and skills.

Handy Pages are a great resource, both in the classroom and at home, where parents can support teacher instruction and help their student make consistent progress in his/her writing, reading, listening, and speaking abilities.

Students can use their Handy Pages booklet to reference important Step Up writing concepts like taking two-column notes, planning and writing an expository paragraph or essay, or planning and writing a story or personal narrative.

Three levels of Handy Pages - Primary, Intermediate, and Secondary - are available as part of the Step Up to Writing Classroom Set, or can be purchased individually.

When teachers refer to Handy Pages throughout the day, students feel empowered to transfer skills like note taking, summarizing, and answering questions in all of their classes. Students remember to use these skills in math, science, history, and other classes.

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Poster Sets

Price: $61.95

(Check the Publisher's website for current prices)

A great tool for visual learners in the classroom, the 15 large, colorful Step Up to Writing Posters illustrate important Step Up concepts and serve as a quick reference during guided lessons.

The Poster Sets - designed specifically for Primary, Intermediate, and Secondary levels - reinforce the same topics and strategies introduced in the Teacher's Guide and supported by the Tools and Handy Pages.

The posters help students with expository/informational and narrative/story writing; remind students about what good note taking means; give hints for writing clear and accurate summaries.

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Step Up to Writing in Math

Price: $88.95

(Check the Publisher's website for current prices)

Step Up to Writing in Math is a 260-page math supplement to the Step Up to Writing program that provides an effective, hands-on approach to improving student literacy in math.

Step Up to Writing in Math is a Teacher's Guide and CD. It can be used in conjunction with Handy Pages, Step Up Tools, and Step Up to Writing Teachers’ Guides, or it can be purchased separately to be used by math teachers and teachers who consider math a part of their regular lessons and instruction.

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